This is SailingMotherhship.com owned and operated by us, Billy & Jenifer Barnes.

We’re not big on bureaucracy, but sometimes, there’s no getting around it. So here ya go…


The information on this website is for entertainment and general information purposes only. We are not professional sailors, divers, authorities on dangerous wildlife, doctors, or dietitians. We are two people who believe that our choices are powerful, and we can affect our health positively or negatively by the food we eat, and the life we live.

We are very motivated to take care of ourselves and live the life we choose, and the internet is a wonderful resource to find knowledge and to share our stories. This blog is designed to chronicle our own journey, share what we learn in the process, and connect with others on a similar path. While we try to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no guaranties of any kind about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability about any products, services, or anything else you may find here. Any reliance you place on anything on this website is strictly at your own risk. Results will vary from person to person, and nothing we write here is a replacement for professional or medical advice. May we all find wellness and happiness in the adventurous life.

Affiliate Links

Often when you click a link on this blog to a book, class, or product, it’s an affiliate link. This means that if you decide to buy it, we may get a small commission -at absolutely no extra cost to you. Your price stays the same, and your purchase supports this blog at the same time. Sometimes you even get discounts! Win-win! We only choose affiliates we believe in, and prefer this to running ads. Have you ever visited a blog, only to see an ad for something completely contradictory to the beliefs of the blogger in the sidebar? We have! That’s not the choice of the blogger; that’s the advertising company they’re running on their website. Affiliate relationships with ethical companies allow us to prioritize content over ads, and just link to products that support our journey. You’ll see these links in the articles and in other places throughout this website.

We only recommend products we genuinely like, and purchases made through our links support our mission and the free content we publish here on Sailing Mothership.

Amazon is one of our affiliate programs, and they require some specific legal language, so here it is! Sailing Mothership is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases; which helps us to continue to give you information and share our journey.

Copyright Notice

The contents of this website belong to us. You’re welcome to excerpt; however, you need to link back to this website and include our names (Billy & Jenifer Barnes) and the name of our blog (SailingMothership.com). Do not copy entire posts/articles/videos/pictures without first receiving our permission. You may contact us here at sailingmothership(at)gmail(dot)com

Privacy Policy

Sailing Mothership is a personal website and youtube channel dedicated to empowering people to maximize their life. We care about privacy far more than marketing, so we don’t spend a lot of time mining data, and we never sell personal information. Here are the details:

• This website, like most others, uses cookies to track browsing patterns. We personally don’t look at this information. It’s collected by the software that runs on this website and its associated plugins. If you object to cookies, simply disable them in your browser options. You can also view Squarespace’s privacy policy here.

• Disqus is the service that we use to moderate comments for this website. If you choose to write a comment (which we love), it will ask for identifying information like your name and email address. Your name will be shown publicly but your email address will be kept private. You can choose a pseudonym if you like. That name will be linked to your profile on Disqus, which shows any comments you’ve written on other blogs in the Disqus community. You can read Disqus’ privacy policy here, and it has various opt-out options.

• Google Analytics is a third party service that collects data that we find helpful. However, it’s not personal data. Instead, it tracks overall patterns: Which blog posts are the most popular? How many visitors does this website receive? How long do they stay? How many pages do they view? And what countries are they from? You can read Google’s privacy policy here.

• Gmail is the service that we use to deliver our newsletter. We have it set to “double opt-in”. That means you have to really want to subscribe. First you enter your email address in the box on my homepage. Then Gmail sends you an email to confirm your subscription. Only when you confirm are you added to our mailing list. We don’t share, rent, or sell this list to others. It’s used for our newsletter, sharing exciting news, notifying you when we publish new content, and perhaps a few times a year we might send you a dedicated email about something special. There’s an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email, if you want to be removed from the list. Don’t forget to add us to your mailing list so we do not go to your spam folder.

• If you buy an item we made or published, books, the sale will be processed through through PayPal or Amazon.com. Click around those links to read their privacy policies.

• Please note that this policy refers to Sailing Mothership only. we have no control over other websites. If you’re reading one of our blog posts and click on a link, that often takes you to a new website. Please review their privacy policy for details on how they handle data. If the link is an affiliate link (where you are purchasing a product), a cookie will be dropped on your computer ensuring that we get a commission on that sale. It doesn’t raise your price at all. It simply helps support our work, and we appreciate it!

• Lastly, while this website is available to general audiences, it is not directed to children. As per the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (15 U.S.C. 6501, et seq.), We don’t knowingly collect or maintain personal information from persons under the age of 13.

• Your use of this website constitutes acceptance of this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at sailingmothership (at)gmail(dot)com. We will update this policy as laws and guidelines require.

We are so glad you are here!